Libyan slaves
Over 100 years ago slavery was abolished worldwide yet, in 2017 footage of a slave auction was filmed in Libya with 2 human beings being...
Flint's water crisis
The Flint water crisis started in 2014, whilst a new pipeline was under construction residents started noticing a strange taste in their...
The suicide risk for LGBT teens.
1 in 5 teenagers suffer from mental health problems and suicide is among the top three causes of death in 15-24 year olds globally....
Mexico's war on drugs
Last year in Mexico was a record breaking year based on murders with 25,339 people murdered. With some parts of Mexico the homicide rate...
The NHS crisis
The NHS is one of Britain’s best features, it aims to give everyone free health care in an accessible and inclusive way. Citizens both...
Abuse in Hollywood and how we stop this epidemic
With a society full of normalising, defending and ignoring rape culture it comes to no surprise that many of Hollywood’s 'finest' have...
Australia legalizes same-sex marriage
After years of political debates and a two-month national postal survey, Australia has become the 25th country to legalise same sex...
Stop sexualising children
We have reached a point where people have to be told that sexualising children isn't cute and in reality is paedophilia. After W magazine...
The Texas shooting and why it is much more than a "mental health problem"
President Donald Trump's response to the deadliest shooting in Texas, is being labelled as a mental health problem, which has many people...
Kneeling during the national anthem
America is the country known for its patriotism. With flags hung in classrooms, the loud celebrations of its independence day and the...