China's internet censorship
The internet has brought many great developments for this world including wider, more available education and has allowed people to be globally brought together. However, it has also highlighted and strengthened a divide between different cultures.

China specifically have become known for their vast amount of internet censorship. Their internet censorship system is known as ‘The Great Firewall’ and blocks foreign websites, apps, social media, VPNs, emails, instant messages and anything else judged as inappropriate or offensive by authorities. This can range from vulgar content such as violence and pornography to more political matters that promote democracy or show the ruling Communist Party in a poor light.

Until recently people were able to get around ‘The Great Firewall’ using VPN’s and were able to connect with the rest of the world. Whereas now, China is targeting these VPN’s in attempts to clean up the internet but effectively blocking the public of China from the rest of the world. One leader having complete control over their country is terrifying. The public of China are becoming more and more cut off from the rest of the world and there is nothing anyone can do without causing a conflict. This control can lead to a vast amount of misinformation being pushed on to the public without them knowing any different.
With censorship becoming more controlled every day, and no one addressing that this may be a problem, it may take China being completely shut off from the rest of the world before we address the problem once again.